EAP Meeting – 14th October 2024
Following a meeting of the Executive Advisory Panel, First Renewable Developments will be
progressing with an outline planning application. This application will be informed by the
Masterplan Document that has been the subject of public and stakeholder consultation.
The submission of the planning applications follows 3 years of pre-application consultation,
which includes several rounds of public consultation and meetings with the Executive Advisory Panel (EAP)
for Planning Communities at North Northamptonshire Council.
The amended Masterplan Document, summary of the consultation and presentation to the
Planning Communities EAP are now available on this website.
It is anticipated that an application will be submitted in the next few months.
Alongside the application, First Renewable Developments will be submitting a
series of technical documents that will assess matters related to highways,
ecology/biodiversity, planning policy, air quality, noise, design and landscape,
amongst a series of other areas within the planning submission.
All of these technical details will be reviewed and assessed by North Northamptonshire Council,
and other stakeholders, who will make their own independent judgement on the materials.
Prior to the submission of the application, First Renewable Developments have submitted a
Scoping Request in advance of undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
that will support a future planning application.
The aim of EIA is to assess the likely impacts of the proposed development
and identify potential cumulative impacts in a particular area. Not all topics are necessarily
included as part of an EIA, but even if not within the EIA they will still be subject to
consideration as part of the application.
This will allow the decision makers who determine whether to grant permission for the
application to review the likely impacts, any proposed mitigation measures as well as the
benefits of the proposed development.
As with any planning application, the submission for the Energy Park Proposals
will also be open for formal public consultation so that people in the local area can make their
views known to the Planning Authority.